Friday, September 28, 2012

Feng Shui Office

Things to take into account at the time to look for feng shui office harmony.
At the time to look for feng shui office harmony, there are many important things to consider and to use in order to achieve your search for harmony goal. Through this article we will provide you with some of the most important feng shui office evaluation techniques.
The main thing to have into account, according not only to feng shui office tips but to feng shui in general, is the energy flow within the place. This energy, called chi, should be able to flow freely through your office in order to allow you think without disturbances.
A next important aspect to consider in your feng shui office evaluation is the position your desk is placed. Your desk should allow you to sit facing the door and with your back pointing at a wall. You should be able to easily see if someone enters the office as well as have a wall as a protection.
Although your desk should allow you to easily see the door, it should not be placed directly across to it. Feng shui office knowledge points that a desk placed directly across the door allows all the energy flow go directly to you. And another important thing to have into account about your desk position is that it should not be facing a wall since the wall would act as an obstacle.
Feng shui office indications also teach that the area that is right directly in front of where you sit at your desk should be clear and without objects disturbing you. This space should allow your energy to flow freely without obstacles, in order for you to easily achieve your projects and goals.
Another important feng shui office tip is that office machines and other objects should never be at the center of the room. Objects in general and specially machines are an obstacle for the flow of energy which ideally should be able to travel freely within the room.
According to feng shui office indications, your office shape is also important and it should be square or rectangle shaped. It should also have a window which allows the entrance of natural light in the room. These aspects would help you feeling relaxed and comfortable in your office.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Strategy for Attracting Higher Paying Client

Some people have little difficulty attracting and
maintaining higher paying clients. Others can't get to
first base. Higher paying clients consume less time,
exchange energy instead of zapping yours, have higher
regards for your relationship, give more referrals, pay on
time, and this in turn allows you to make higher profits.
When asked how I recommend raising client's fees, I answer
honestly, "It's very difficult." Why? Let me share this
story, one I'm sure you can relate to. You go to the store
to buy more of something you like but you don't have to
have. Before you paid $10 and now its $15. You play with
the package and stand there rethinking your need, it's value
and also wondering if can find it cheaper elsewhere. You
leave empty-handed or buy something else. If your price is
higher, their reaction gets magnified.
Another angle is to increase their deal, add something to
the pot, something of perceived value. It can work if
handled correctly. A value added item could be a client-
only monthly teleclass or access to a membership-only
website. An infopreneur can add client-only informational
To collect higher fees, you will most likely need to change
demographics, your mindset, internal and external language,
marketing strategy and materials.
Here is a list of ten barriers that might be interfering
with attracting higher paying clients:
1. Equal stature. People take the time to listen to people
who are as or more important than they are. Are you at
their listening level? Do you dress and act the way they
do? Phone interactions require mirroring their language and
thinking. Can you speak their language? Or do you need to
learn. Talk as equals. Learn their mindset and shift
yours. If your values are too different, then find another
market. If stature doesn't match, they will smell it like
cabbage cooking in a kitchen. Show a similar state of
authority, confidence, and posture. Walk, talk, and sit the
way they do. If their mannerisms are too assertive for you,
either raise yours up or find another market.
2. Thoroughly know each of their challenges and what
solutions you provide that answer each challenge. What
problems are they experiencing? How can you make their life
or business easier? People take the path of least
resistance. Be that path. Higher paying people are proud
of their world and their decisions. They feel they deserve
it, they took the risk that the average person doesn't take,
and you need to give them that respect but also have your
3. Be friendly with them but don't allow them to manipulate
your time or energy. Normally, higher paying professionals
know how to delegate and leverage and they will use this
technique to test you. Be friendly with their
administrative assistants, receptionist, or other
gatekeepers but don't bribe them with flowers or something
to get in the door. That worked years ago but the trend now
is tacky. And, yes, they will always report your language
and behavior back to their paycheck controller.
4. The higher their status, the more likely they will be
visionary people. Learn how visionary people think, their
viewpoints, and language. Visionaries surround themselves
with people who believe in their visions. Listen to their
visions and respect them. They have the wherefore to make
them happen. Support their visions in any way you can.
Provide something that answers a step to their vision, even
if it something outside the scope of your service or
product. Do they need a referral or can't find something,
do the research for them.
5. The higher you go, the more they expect from your
service. They expect special care and outstanding service.
They know their money can buy it and they demand it. Don't
deliver anything less. They know what you provide and what
your competitors provide; you must know this as well.
6. Integrity is usually one of their top five values.
Always keep your promises and they will keep the
relationship. Even if they break theirs, you will need to
keep yours. The higher you go, the less you ever want to
break a promise. You probably will not get a second chance.
It's like sitting in Donald Trump's boardroom and he says,
"You're fired."
7. Don't brown nose. It's a cabbage thing. If they smell
it, they will either quick answering your calls or play you
for entertainment and then toss you away. If you get this
label, just move on.
8. People that earn more money substitute the word "mistake"
for "learning lesson." If you don't share this philosophy,
change it. It's a good one to change any way. They
experience life and don't worry about the valleys. The
mistake belief holds an underlying fear. Fear is energy and
has a smell, and they sense it, easily.
9. Their first response to your proposal will always be "how
can they do it with their own resources." Expect this to be
their first immediate thought. Prepare to be able to
demonstrate what you offer is what they can't find within
their own resources -- they can't match it without more
effort or a different focus. This will earn you brownie
points towards a sale.
10. The higher the stature, the higher leveraging skills
they learned. Leveraging also includes negotiating. The
number one skill I recommend people getting in business is
to learn how and when to negotiate and how people think when
they are in negotiation mode. The game changes with
decisions need to be made and the cards are on the table.
Higher paying clients don't connect business and pleasure.
You will want to learn how to do the same. They may win in
business and have drink with your afterwards. Learn to let
go quickly.
11. The first "no" is always a test. Don't take it
personally or as the final answer but make sure you have the
right match. Listen if they say no and give three reasons
why not. This is a firmer no and they are telling you what
they need (the reasons). It's your turn to tell them if you
can answer those reasons. If not, you loose, negotiation
12. When you are looking for higher paying clients, look for
people who see your product or service as not only valuable,
but also essential to their goals or objectives.
13. Know what your service or product is worth and stand by
that value. Discount isn't in your vocabulary or theres.
Don't make it yours and speak of it first or even second.
Only speak of it if they are willing to show you the money
now and it leads to a higher value for something.
14. Remove the "under earner" mindset behind. If you have
more money then they do because of what you do, don't talk
down to them, or make them feel inferior in any way.
15. Make it easy for them to work with you. Remove any
hoops or extra steps that take up their time. They are very
time sensitive. If it takes chasing you down by phone, they
will not bother. If you don't answer their emails within a
comfortable time for them, they will move on and accomplish
whatever was on their agenda without you. When they do
contact you, rest assured, it's important. They don't waste
their time.
16. Decide in advance, how you are going to hand any
rejections or protests. What, when, where and how will you
follow-up? What back doors can you come in from -- with
integrity, of course?
17. High presentation quality required. If they feel
comfortable seeing a slide presentation, don't use a hand-
drawn flip chart. If you don't know, ask a few of their
current suppliers and a staff member.
18. Set up a sophisticated referral-marketing program. It
really is who you know in their circle. Find their circle
and consistently show up. Not to market but to build
relationships and make connections. When they like you,
you're in.
19. Be confident about your attraction. Feel the energy of
the universe, sense it's attraction, remove any doubt and
believe in it 100%. Know that it will occur and allow
attraction to enter and be a total part of your life and
Are you ready for this step up? Attracting higher paying
clients when you previously didn't, takes commitment,
planning, and changing. Jump in without the all the
answers, and tweak. It's guaranteed to work, that's the way
the Law of Attraction works.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Business Bureau Name To Commit Scams

The Better Business Bureau recently issued a national alert to warn consumers and businesses about two questionable operations that are falsely using the BBB name to scam victims.
One business is perpetrating an advance fee loan scam that targets consumers and businesses with poor credit records. It has provided as a reference fictitious BBB phone numbers that are answered by representatives who falsely claim to be with the Better Business Bureau and provide a positive report on the business in question.
The other entity, which appears to be a telemarketer, is contacting local businesses, falsely stating to be from the BBB and calling about a complaint or to update BBB files. The telemarketer proceeds to ask questions that have nothing to do with BBB business and leaves as a contact number 1.800.CALL.BBB.
"Bureaus across the country are reporting calls from victims. These scammers are falsely using the Better Business Bureau name to try to gain credibility with potential victims," said Ken Hunter, president and CEO of the Council of Better Business Bureaus. "We urge people to double-check with their local BBB whenever they receive a dubious phone call or see the BBB name tied to a questionable promotion. We're easy to find in the telephone directory.
A company called Kirkland Russell and Thomson (KRT), supposedly located in Houston, advertises loans to individuals and businesses. KRT representatives claim that the business is a member of the BBB and suggest that interested customers call fictitious phone numbers for the "Southwestern Division of the BBB in Oklahoma City" and the BBB of Metropolitan Houston to request the company's BBB report.
"The company is using the BBB name as a shill for its business. These are not the phone numbers of the BBB's in Oklahoma City and Houston. And, neither Bureau has issued a satisfactory report on KRT. The company has produced and is distributing a fake, glowing BBB reliability report," Hunter warns.
According to complaints to the BBB, KRT tells customers that they have been approved for a loan and must send a fee for "insurance." KRT asks that the fee, often about $2,000, be wired to various addresses in Canada and New York. Consumers are required to submit personal information, such as Social Security number, bank account number and pay stubs.
"People have not received their loan, nor have they had their money refunded," the BBB in Houston states. Consumers in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida and other states have been targeted.
BBB staff members have confirmed that there is no business by the name of Kirkland Russell and Thomas at the company-provided address in Houston. The Council of Better Business Bureaus sent a letter to KRT Financial Group regarding BBB trademark infringement and false advertising; it has not received a response.
The BBB warns individuals and businesses not to pay in advance for a loan and to never send personal financial information to unknown businesses.
BBB members in Arkansas, California, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, Ohio, Texas, Utah, and Washington have reported that they were contacted by an individual posing as a BBB employee.
The callers generally claim to be phoning about a BBB complaint or to "update" BBB files. They attempt to solicit information that is not normally required in order to conduct business with or be a member of the BBB. The callers ask for names of various managers (the head of finance or information technology) and the number of work stations at that business location. Businesses have reported that the callers became rude and used threatening language when questioned about the BBB's need for such information or the nature of the complaint.
The callers leave a 1.800.CALL.BBB (225-5222) as their contact phone number. That phone number, which is NOT owned by the BBB, is constantly busy. Some businesses report that the caller gave the name "Dave Sebastian". Other names that have been used are Claude Ashley and Frank. One caller spoke with a foreign accent.
"Businesses need to be aware that any representatives from the BBB would clearly identify themselves and leave a working phone number. We seek the voluntary cooperation of businesses to resolve disputes and would not hesitate to provide details concerning a complaint," Hunter said. "If you receive a call from anyone representing the BBB and are unsure as to their authenticity, we urge you not to disclose any information and to contact your local BBB immediately."